Monday, December 1, 2014

Time: Update

I will begin this post right off the bat letting everyone know that what you're about to read is going to be difficult for some. 

First off to everyone who has texted, called, faceboked, messaged....whatever in the last weeks or so I hope you've not been worried or thought I was being a wiener face. I've just had some major things happening and have taken the time to process before getting in contact. 

After my hospital stay in October-November I returned home slow moving but otherwise OK. However, as the days passed things began to change and slowly my right leg began to weaken and my back started to give way. After spending some time at home I had to return to the hospital.

I will not be returning home full time anymore. It has been decided that as I lose my ability to walk I will live out my days in the hospital and at home. While I knew that this cancer was terminal we could not predict the turn it would take and how quick. At this time I am not taking many visitors but will slowly as I get settled and familiar with this new change. Every day is different. Scary. 

I don't have much else to say other than that. Again, responding to messages and such is difficult. For now I am taking things hour by hour. I thank everyone in advance for your continued support.  
